Kirby: August's Meetup Member of the Month

August’s meetup member of the month is Kirby! This handsome dude is here to tell you how to catch the ladies. Here’s your chance to learn more about Kirby.


First, the basics.

Name: Kirby

Birthday: July 29, 2017

Where do you live? Quincy, MA

Favorite Toy? Blue Monkey – my favorite toy to suck on and fall asleep with!

Breeder or rescue? Breeder – Vermont Bostons in Royalton, VT

How can we follow you? Instagram @kirbyterrier

Three Interesting Facts About Yourself

  1. I was named after Kirby, the pink character in the Super Smash Bros. video game

  2. You can find me burrowed under a blanket or in my cozy cave snuggling with my girlfriend @lilotheblueboston

  3. I was the biggest puppy in my litter of 6 (maybe that’s why I’ve hit 30 lbs hehe), but I was also the shyest. When my humans came to take me home, the breeder opened our puppy bedroom door to let us all out, and everyone ran out except for me. I don’t think I’m shy anymore 😉