Counterconditioning and Desensitization for Fear of Fireworks

It’s that time of year again and if your neighborhood is anything like mine fireworks have already been going off for weeks now. It’s no surprise that dogs can be afraid of the sound fireworks make so we’re here to help your dog understand that fireworks aren’t so scary.

What is counterconditioning?

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Counterconditioning means changing the dog’s emotional response, reaction or approach toward a stimulant, whether it be other dogs, skateboards or in this case fireworks. In other words, by feeding your dog delicious treats while you’re playing fireworks on the TV your dog will start to associate fireworks with yummy treats and so fireworks aren’t so scary.

What is Desensitization?


Desensitization is the slow introduction of your dog to it’s phobias at a low level. Starting slowly you can over time build up your dog’s exposure to its triggers, in this case fireworks. Ideally this would be done so that your dog never has the opportunity to react towards fireworks so you’ll need to find that sweet spot where they can hear the fireworks and not get upset.

How does counterconditioning and Desensitization work?

Counterconditioning and desensitization works by exposing your dogs to their triggers (fireworks) while rewarding them with high value treats. Starting at home with you and your dog you play fireworks on the TV at a low volume while simultaneously giving your dog treats like say hot dogs or chicken. Over time you’ll gradually increase the volume so that you can work your way up to almost real life.

How do i know if I’m doing it right?

You’ll know you’re doing it right if your dog is not reacting to the stimuli (fireworks on TV) in the background. However, if your dog starts to show any signs of stress you need to go back to the level where they’re comfortable.

Okay but my dog isn’t food motivated!

That’s okay, not all dogs are pigs like mine (who will sneak off to eat the garbage any chance she can get). Some dogs have a favorite toy or crave affection. You can use any of these things. Does your pup have a favorite ball? Then you can teach this with their ball. You just want to make this as positive experience as possible.

Can I use this for other things as well?

You can absolutely use counterconditioning and desensitization for other things too. The world can be a scary place for dogs. Counterconditioning and desensitization can be used for police sirens, car backfires, skateboards, bicycles, barking and even other dogs. There are a myriad of ways that counterconditioning and desensitization can help your dog live a long, stress free life. Using counterconditioning every chance you get, you can give your dog confidence.  It is not necessary to wait for fears, phobias and anxiety to start showing.

Does my dog have to sit to get the treat?

No. There’s no reason that your dog should need to sit to get the treats you are offering during your work. You just want them to be calm and relaxed and if that means they need to stand then that’s okay too.

See it in action

Here’s a great video of counterconditioning and desensitization for fireworks. Note that while he has his dog sit it’s not a requirement for your dog to be sitting.