Adoptable dogs

The Humpty Dance - All about humping

It’s embarrassing, one minute your dog is playing the next they’re humping their friends. But why do our dogs hump? Is it because of dominance? Is it because of stress? Well we’re here to tell you all the reasons why your dog humps.

Oh My God Becky Look at her butt….

Humping is a natural behavior in all dogs of all ages. Whether spayed/neutered or not any dog can have the propensity to hump. While people usually think of it as “dominance” that’s just not the truth. Believe it or not your dog is not out to show you “who’s boss” or trying to dominate you. Despite what people may say humping has nothing to do with dominance. The term “dominance” when speaking about dogs refers to access to a resource such as bones, toys, food, or any other thing that can be viewed as a resource.

i mean, her butt, it’s just so big

Dogs hump for a variety of reasons and over-stimulation is one of the most common ones. When a dog gets over-stimulated some may do zoomies, some may bark and others will hump. It just means that they have reached a level of excitement and this is how they handle those types of situations. If your dog is humping in a social situation like our meetup it may just mean that they need a break. It’s okay to exit the meetup to give your dog a second to cool down.

I like big butts and I cannot lie

Some dogs hump because they’re anxious. Anxiety in dogs can often create displacement behaviors. Which means when they get anxious they feel the need to hump something. It’s a way for dogs to relieve that anxious feeling. If you have an anxious dog who humps it’s okay to let them have this time for themself. If you are really uncomfortable with your dog humping then try to find another outlet for stress relief like enrichment. If you’re not sure what enrichment is you can check out our posts on all things enrichment here and here.

Baby got back

Sometimes humping is just a form of play. Dogs play in many different ways. Stalking, chasing, biteyface, wrestling and humping are all forms of playing in dogs. When dogs play they often mimic behaviors that they would do in real life situations. Stalking and chasing are hunting behaviors, biteyface and wrestling are fighting behaviors while humping is a sexual behavior. It is thought that dog play is just practice for when they’re in the real world.

has your girlfriend got the butt?

Sometimes it just feels so darn good. While it definitely isn’t “dominance” sometimes there isn’t always a reason for humping other than it feels good. If you have a dog that humps then there is no reason not to let your pup have a little time alone. So long as it doesn’t create a problem. However, if they’re humping humans then you might want to redirect them to a toy or a chew.

April is Heartworm Awareness Month

We’ve all been there, we’re hanging outside in the summer having a relaxing time when bam a mosquito comes a bites you. They’re a pain in the butt for us humans but did you know that they can be deadly for dogs? The American Heartworm Society reports that more than a million pets in the US currently have heartworms.

What is Heartworm Disease?

Heartworm disease is a serious (preventable) and sometimes fatal disease in dogs (and other pets) in the United States and many other parts of the world. It is caused by worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body. If left untreated, the number of worms increases. Dogs can harbor up to several hundred worms in their bodies. Heartworm disease causes lasting damage to the heart, lungs and arteries, and can affect the dog’s health and quality of life long after the parasites are gone.

Heartworm disease has been reported in all 50 states, and while some areas may have more infections, it is equally important to have your dog on a preventative.


How can I tell my pup has heartworms?

In the early stages of infection dogs often will show little to no symptoms. However, as the disease progresses dogs will present with a mild yet persistent cough, be less active, fatigued after moderate activity, have a decreased appetite and weight loss.

How is Heartworm detected?

A simple blood test taken yearly for adult dogs who have already been on prevention. For puppies starting prevention at 7 months is appropriate. Puppies and adult dogs who have not been on prevention will need to be tested again at 6 months and 12 months later. It can take up to 6 months for a dog to test positive after being infected. It is recommended to have your dogs on heartworm preventative all year round.


What happens if my dog tests positive?

If your dog tests positive it is imperative you go to your veterinarian and start treatment. Treatment for heartworms is a series of injections called Immiticide®. During treatment it is imperattive that dogs are kept on crate rest and not be able to exercise after the injections. As the worms start to die and start to decompse they break up and are carried to the lungs. Here they lodge in the small blood vessels and are eventually reabsorbed by the body.

How is Heartworm Prevented?

Heartworm is prevented by giving your dog a monthly chewable that has different flavors like beef. You can get these meds from your vet. My dog Shyla takes hers willingly with no issues at all.

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month


What age is considered senior?

For Boston Terriers senior age is often considered to start at 9-10 years old.

Why should I adopt a Senior Dog?

You should adopt a senior dog because they’re awesome. Okay we might be a little biased but senior dogs are great. They’re already house trained, they already know all their commands and you know exactly how big/small your dog is going to be. There’s no mystery.

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They love to be with their people!

Senior dogs often just want to be with their people. They don’t need a ton of exercise and play time, they’re happy to just relax on the couch with their favorite human.

They’re often overlooked

Seniors are often overlooked at shelters and rescues. A lot of people just want young puppies but adopting a senior means you can give them the best rest of their lives.

They’re great napping partners

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Senior dogs need more sleep than younger dogs making them the best napping partner. This is also beneficial for people who work too as senior dogs will often nap while you’re at work all day.

They’re calmer than puppies

While senior dogs often still have tons of energy to burn they’re often calmer than having a puppy. Seniors are more likely to have short bursts of energy while puppies are non-stop.

it’s Kennel Cough season

It’s kennel cough season and we’re here to help you recognize the signs and symptoms of kennel cough.

what is kennel cough?


Kennel cough (canine infections tracheobronchitis) is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Kennel cough is most commonly contracted at dog parks, shelter environments, doggie daycare and boarding facilities.  Much like the common cold in humans, kennel cough can be spread from one dog to another through airborne transmission, nose to nose contact, or sharing water/food bowls. Good news is that kennel cough is super treatable although it is harsher for young and immunocompromised dogs.

How to Tell if your pup has it?

You’ll know, trust me! My dog Shyla has had it twice and it’s a sound unlike anything else I’ve heard come out of her.  Other than that here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • cough (it will sound like a your pup has something stuck in their throat or like a honking sound)

  • sneezing

  • runny nose

  • loss of appetite

  • lethargy

  • low fever


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There is a vaccine for it, but much like the flu vaccination there are different strains that the vaccination does not protect against, so a trip to the vet to confirm the diagnosis is needed. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your vet will either let the virus run its course or will prescribe antibiotics. There are also some natural ways to help your pup through this with honey and coconut oil. Whole Dog Journal has laid out some really great ways to help clear up kennel cough naturally.

ways to prevent kennel cough

It is so important to pay attention to our pups. While kennel cough is usually very treatable it can sometimes develop into more serious conditions like pneumonia. Kennel cough can be prevented by limiting exposure to infected dogs and staying away from areas like the dog park when an outbreak has occurred.

what if symptoms persist?

If symptoms persist for more than two weeks it could be a sign of something more serious like pneumonia or congestive heart failure. Another trip to the vet will be needed to rule out anything more serious.

So you’re looking for a boston terrier?

Deciding to bring a dog into your family is a big decision, and one that will impact the dog’s life as well as your own. The choice between buying from a reputable breeder versus adopting from a shelter/rescue organization can often be a difficult one to make. On the one hand a new squishy puppy is hard to resist, on the other hand saving a life by adopting a rescue dog can also be an amazing experience. We’ve already shared how to find a responsible breeder here and covered how to adopt a Boston Terrier here, but we want to help you in your decision on whether to adopt or not.


Benefits of Adopting

One of the main benefits of adopting a Boston Terrier is that you’re literally saving two lives at once. You’re saving the life of the Boston Terrier you’re adopting and you’re also saving the life of another dog who needs rescue by opening up space in the shelters. 

But that's not all:

  • Adopted dogs are often already potty trained and have already been vetted for any health or behavioral issues. 

  • If adopting from a rescue organization they can tell you more about the dog’s personality. Due to the popularity of fostering, the dog has likely spent weeks--or even months—in a home environment. My own dog Shyla famously spent seven months in her foster home. The best rescues will prioritize quality over quantity therefore dogs sometimes spend longer in foster.

  • Rescues sometimes have puppies too, you just need to ask.

  • The best rescue organizations will use the dog's time in the organization as an opportunity to diagnose medical and behavioral issues and begin to fix them.

  • And last but not least, rescues will often take the dog back if it doesn’t work out. If for whatever reason the new dog doesn't adjust to your home or has unexpected issues you're unequipped to handle (medical, behavioral), returning the dog to the rescue to find more suitable placement is an option.

Risks of Adopting

If you’re adopting straight from a shelter you don’t always know the dog’s background. Sometimes a dog’s personality can change after being in your home for a while, as dogs tend to either be extremely-reserved or over-excited when placed in a new home. The behavior you see in the shelter (or as the shelter workers describe it) can be dramatically different from how your new pup acts once fully-adjusted. 

It’s possible that the dog you’re adopting hasn’t been properly socialized and you will need to work on that with a positive reinforcement trainer and/or with a behaviorist. This is always a big risk with rescue dogs, as some owners would rather give up a dog than to work on the behavioral issues themselves.

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Benefits to Buying from a Breeder

Buying from a responsible breeder is also a great option, but you need to be ready to commit to the care needed for the pup for the rest of its life, which could be anywhere from 12-20 years.

Here are some other considerations:

  • You can meet the pup’s parents and get a glimpse into what your pup will look like fully grown. You will also get a tour of the pup’s living conditions.

  • You know that your pup is truly purebred.

  • You’ll get to shape your pup into the adult you want with the proper socialization and training.

  • A lot of breeders also do heath and genetic testing to ensure that your pup will not have any hereditary conditions. Responsible breeders breed for the betterment of the breed and temperament.


Of course, buying from a breeder is not without its drawbacks.

  • Every year millions of dogs are euthanized in shelters.

  • Puppies require a lot of time and attention, often as much as a newborn baby. (Except they pee on your shag rug instead of in a diaper.)

  • You’ll need to be prepared to clean up any accidents and deal with any chewing.

  • Purebred dogs tend to have more health problems.

  • Buying from a breeder can be extremely expensive, and you will be responsible for all its vetting.

Beyond these reasons, not every breeder practices best practices. There are many "backyard breeders" out there that look at this as a side hustle for quick money. These breeders will often cut corners in breeding, care, and early-life medical needs. Sometimes, they may even push pups with known medical issues on to new families without informing them.


In conclusion, whether you choose to adopt a Boston Terrier or buy from a responsible breeder, it is important to be honest with yourself about what your commitment level is and how much time and attention you’re willing to give to your pup. Always seek out the right positive reinforcement trainer for your dogs. A dog is a lifelong commitment and you will have to deal with all of the challenges that come with owning a dog.

Counterconditioning and Desensitization for Fear of Fireworks

It’s that time of year again and if your neighborhood is anything like mine fireworks have already been going off for weeks now. It’s no surprise that dogs can be afraid of the sound fireworks make so we’re here to help your dog understand that fireworks aren’t so scary.

What is counterconditioning?

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Counterconditioning means changing the dog’s emotional response, reaction or approach toward a stimulant, whether it be other dogs, skateboards or in this case fireworks. In other words, by feeding your dog delicious treats while you’re playing fireworks on the TV your dog will start to associate fireworks with yummy treats and so fireworks aren’t so scary.

What is Desensitization?


Desensitization is the slow introduction of your dog to it’s phobias at a low level. Starting slowly you can over time build up your dog’s exposure to its triggers, in this case fireworks. Ideally this would be done so that your dog never has the opportunity to react towards fireworks so you’ll need to find that sweet spot where they can hear the fireworks and not get upset.

How does counterconditioning and Desensitization work?

Counterconditioning and desensitization works by exposing your dogs to their triggers (fireworks) while rewarding them with high value treats. Starting at home with you and your dog you play fireworks on the TV at a low volume while simultaneously giving your dog treats like say hot dogs or chicken. Over time you’ll gradually increase the volume so that you can work your way up to almost real life.

How do i know if I’m doing it right?

You’ll know you’re doing it right if your dog is not reacting to the stimuli (fireworks on TV) in the background. However, if your dog starts to show any signs of stress you need to go back to the level where they’re comfortable.

Okay but my dog isn’t food motivated!

That’s okay, not all dogs are pigs like mine (who will sneak off to eat the garbage any chance she can get). Some dogs have a favorite toy or crave affection. You can use any of these things. Does your pup have a favorite ball? Then you can teach this with their ball. You just want to make this as positive experience as possible.

Can I use this for other things as well?

You can absolutely use counterconditioning and desensitization for other things too. The world can be a scary place for dogs. Counterconditioning and desensitization can be used for police sirens, car backfires, skateboards, bicycles, barking and even other dogs. There are a myriad of ways that counterconditioning and desensitization can help your dog live a long, stress free life. Using counterconditioning every chance you get, you can give your dog confidence.  It is not necessary to wait for fears, phobias and anxiety to start showing.

Does my dog have to sit to get the treat?

No. There’s no reason that your dog should need to sit to get the treats you are offering during your work. You just want them to be calm and relaxed and if that means they need to stand then that’s okay too.

See it in action

Here’s a great video of counterconditioning and desensitization for fireworks. Note that while he has his dog sit it’s not a requirement for your dog to be sitting.

How to Adopt a Boston Terrier

Ponch on his adoption day

Ponch on his adoption day

It’s no secret that we are huge rescue fans. Having been through the process with Shyla we wanted to share some tips on how to go about adopting a Boston Terrier.

Know the Rescues

Currently there are two main rescues that serve Massachusetts that deal with Boston Terriers and Boston Terrier mixes. The first which is dedicated to all smooshy faced dogs is SNORT Rescue. SNORT not only has Boston Terriers but they also have Frenchies, Pugs and English Bulldogs. The other main rescue that serves Massachusetts is Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue. NEBTR primarily deals with Boston Terriers and Boston Terrier mixes.

The next rescue organization that oftentimes has Boston Terriers is Friends of Homeless Animals. FOHARI is a general rescue that rescues all different breeds of dogs. While FOARI doesn’t specialize in Boston Terriers they do have them on occasion.

The third rescue organization that deals with Boston Terriers is Paw Paw Boston Terrier Rescue of Korea. Paw Paw does amazing work rescuing dogs from Korea. The catch with Paw Paw is that they fly their dogs directly from Korea so you’d have to be willing to travel to one of the airports they fly into. The closest airport that Paw Paw flies into is New York City.

Know the approximate age of the dog you want:

Age is everything. You’ll want to know if you’re looking for a puppy, a middle aged dog or a senior dog. Rescues often have a variety of ages when it comes to dogs. While I understand that most people want puppies adopting an older dog is also really great. They’re usually housebroken already and can be left alone in the house without destroying anything. You’ll want to ask yourself do I have time for a puppy? What is my schedule like? Who will take care of my dog when I’m not there?

Sign up to Foster

One of the best ways to know if you're ready to adopt and get to know the dog you would love to bring home is to foster. Not only does this help increase the chance that the dogs you foster will find their forever home because they get a break from the shelter and experience a loving home environment, but also it gives you a chance to practice being a pawrent and seeing what really works for you. If you foster a dog you really want to adopt, then you also get put at the top of the list for that dog.

Stalk the Websites

Really, that’s what I did. If you don’t see a dog you like right away then keep looking. Boston Terriers are a highly desirable breed and go fast. Every day I’d go on to the SNORT site and look at Shyla’s pictures wondering if she was ever going to be put up for adoption. Then one day she wasn’t there anymore and I had a mild panic attack. Turns out she was just moved to the adoptable page where I could quickly put in an application to adopt her.

Don’t get Discouraged

Finding the perfect dog for your home is not a quick and easy process. It often involves lots of patience because sometimes the right dog isn’t ready to be adopted or sometimes it’s not the right fit for your house. Keep looking and keep applying for when you see the right dog. You may get turned down but it doesn’t mean there’s anything specifically wrong with you it could just mean that the rescue felt someone else was a better match. There is no perfect person or perfect dog, you will always need to get to know and understand your unique dog (which takes time), give yourself and your dog consistent training, and understanding that this is a lifelong commitment.

Take on a Special Needs Dog

I know this isn’t for everyone and that’s okay but if you have the time and inclination take on a special needs dog. Whether it be a bonded pair of seniors in diapers or a dog that needs a wheelchair. Special needs dogs are often overlooked because of they don’t fit into the typical vision most people have of dogs.

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How to Find a Responsible Breeder

I’m often asked about breeders and people wanting puppies and truth be told I don’t know any breeders.  I only know the ones you guys mention in your Meetup Member of the Month posts. While in a perfect world everyone would chose to rescue I do realize that it’s not for everyone. So here’s some tips for finding a responsible breeder.

home is where the heart is

A responsible breeder will allow you to visit their house and shows you all areas where puppies and breeding dogs spend their time.  The areas are clean, spacious, and well-maintained. Meeting your puppy will let you see first hand that he/she does not have any existing health or behavior problems and that he/she is being raised in a caring environment.


Responsible breeders want you to spend time with the puppy’s parents when you visit.  The parents are a glimpse into the kind of the dog your pup will become. Everyone should be healthy and friendly. 



A good breeder will know about potential genetic and developmental problems native to the breed and provides documentation that the puppy’s parents and grandparents have been evaluated in an effort to breed those problems out. (This should include genetic testing for diseases where a valid testing protocol is available).


Provides references from other families who have previously purchased one of their puppies.  Has healthy, long-lived adult dogs and contact info for previous buyers. The health and lifespan of a breeder's dogs are a sneak peek into the pups' futures. Find out as much as you can about them. Speak to people who own adult dogs bought from your breeder. Have there been any recurring medical problems like chronic ear infections? Do any of them have high-maintenance health issues like food allergies? Epilepsy? How long do the dogs generally live for?


Good breeders are often actively involved with local, state, and national clubs that specialize in the specific breed; responsible breeders may also compete with the dogs in conformation events, obedience trials, tracking and agility trials, or other performance events.  They love to show off their dogs and will often have pictures of the dogs in competition on their websites.



Sells puppies only to people he/she has met in person or even in a detailed phone conversation, not to pet stores or to unknown buyers over the Internet.  Reputable breeders don't sell their puppies to strangers! They want to get to know you. They'll ask you about your family, if you rent or own your home, who will be caring for the pup, etc. etc.  Watch out for those who don't ask for much more than your credit card number.  


Provides you with a written contract and health guarantee and allows plenty of time for you to read it thoroughly.  Has a veterinarian individually examine and vaccinate each puppy and has verifiable proof of this. Proof of veterinary care is NOT a vaccination schedule with dates written on it by the seller. This is a common way sellers will deceive puppy buyers. True proof is paperwork from a licensed veterinarian. All puppies should have been vaccinated and examined by a licensed vet and you should be provided with paperwork that details the results of the exams.

what kinds of health testing

A lot of breeders will say that they provide health testing but don’t mention what specific tests they perform or sometimes they’ll say that they did health testing through Embark. Unfortunately those are big red flags. The kinds of testing you want to ask your breeder if they do are, Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) which measures the electrical activity as the brain receives the auditory stimulus of sound, Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER) which screens dogs for inherited eye problems . Breeders will also test for Juvenile Hereditary Cataracts and check the patellas since Bostons are prone to Luxating Patella.


A reputable breeder breeds for the betterment of the breed and to breed standard. According to the AKC website the breed standard colors are Black & White, Black Brindle & White, Brindle & White, Seal & White, Seal Brindle & White. Anyone saying we breed all colors or off colors or even non-standard colors doesn’t actually care about preserving the breed standard. They only care about money. Anyone selling any sort of merle dog is not a reputable breeder so please stay far away from that.

It’s a Waiting Game

Reputable breeders often have waiting lists so anyone who has puppies available right away is very suspect. IF you’ really want to get a well bred puppy then we suggest getting on a few waiting lists. It takes time to find the right fit for your family so don’t rush it. You’ll get there eventually.


Come to a Meetup and talk with our members about their experiences. They’re happy to talk to you about their breeders and what to look for.