Shyla: May's Meetup Member of the Month

May’s meetup member of the month is Shyla! The OG Queen of BTB is here to give you some lessons on how to be Queen. Here’s your chance to learn more about Shyla.

First, the basics.

Name: Shyla

Birthday: May 31, 2006

Where do you live? Boston, MA

Favorite Toy? I love anything I can play tug with and rip the stuffing out of.

Breeder or rescue? I was rescued from SNORT Rescue four years ago.

How can we follow you? Instagram @bostonshyla

Three Interesting Facts About Yourself

1. I am an absolute DIVA and will talk back to you if you do something I don’t like or try to get me to move without a treat. This can be seen fist hand in my many disagreements with Charm School on #daysofourshyla.

2. I lived with my foster dad for 7 months and to this day I still remember who he is. He and mom keep in regular contact and I get to see him on occasion.

3. I LOVE food and anything food related and can find it anywhere on the streets of Boston. Want some chicken bones? Follow me and I’ll show you where they’re at. Looking for something a little different? I’ll show you where all the good vomit is.