
September is national Pet health Insurance Month

Did you know that September is National Pet Health Insurance Month? So how do you go about finding the right insurance for your pup? Well we’re here to help you figure that out.

Read the fine print

Because looking this good doesn’t come cheap. Pictured Ari from Holland

Because looking this good doesn’t come cheap. Pictured Ari from Holland

Much like human insurance, every company has a deductible. However, each company handles their deductibles differently. Some require an annual deductible that must first be met before any expenses are covered while others require a per condition deductible. There are often different ranges of deductibles to choose from.

It’s also important to know if the company has a pay out cap. Some companies have a per-illness cap, some have a yearly cap, and some have a lifetime cap.

Know the fees

A lot of companies say they cover “Usual and Customary” veterinary charges. However, this can actually mean is that they have a pre determined amount that they have decided is reasonable (i.e. the amount they have decided to pay). Unfortunately, vets don’t always charge what the insurance companies deem “reasonable” and you end up having the pay more.

Breed specific problems

It’s also important to know that many insurance companies exclude breed specific health concerns. For example, Boston Terriers tend to have brachycephalic airway syndrome and so some insurance companies won’t cover stenotic nare surgery. So when considering pet insurance please be sure to check what their exclusion policies are.

emergencies only

While we totally suggest that people get insurance it’s important to know that insurance doesn’t cover everything. As a matter of fact, it’s for emergencies only. Insurance doesn’t pay for well visits or routine things like flea and tick medication. It also doesn’t pay if your pup needs their teeth cleaned and most often won’t pay for the bloodwork leading up to the dental cleaning.

well plans

Some insurance plans also offer wellness plans on top of your regular insurance. While it’s definitely worth having a wellness plan to go along with your insurance it’s important to read the fine print and average out your costs to see if the plans being offered are actually saving you money.

who to choose?

With all the money you save with insurance your pup can look as fabulous as Ari.

With all the money you save with insurance your pup can look as fabulous as Ari.

While we can’t tell you what insurance carrier is best for you we can recommend some companies for you to look at since it can be hard to figure out which one to pick. Some companies that we think are worth taking a look at are HealthyPaws, Trupanion, Nationwide and Wagmo. We’re big fans of Wagmo’s wellness plan. For as low as $20 extra a month you get up to $800 dollars in savings. No matter who you decide to go with we think that insurance is an important part of being a pawrent.

April is Heartworm Awareness Month

We’ve all been there, we’re hanging outside in the summer having a relaxing time when bam a mosquito comes a bites you. They’re a pain in the butt for us humans but did you know that they can be deadly for dogs? The American Heartworm Society reports that more than a million pets in the US currently have heartworms.

What is Heartworm Disease?

Heartworm disease is a serious (preventable) and sometimes fatal disease in dogs (and other pets) in the United States and many other parts of the world. It is caused by worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body. If left untreated, the number of worms increases. Dogs can harbor up to several hundred worms in their bodies. Heartworm disease causes lasting damage to the heart, lungs and arteries, and can affect the dog’s health and quality of life long after the parasites are gone.

Heartworm disease has been reported in all 50 states, and while some areas may have more infections, it is equally important to have your dog on a preventative.


How can I tell my pup has heartworms?

In the early stages of infection dogs often will show little to no symptoms. However, as the disease progresses dogs will present with a mild yet persistent cough, be less active, fatigued after moderate activity, have a decreased appetite and weight loss.

How is Heartworm detected?

A simple blood test taken yearly for adult dogs who have already been on prevention. For puppies starting prevention at 7 months is appropriate. Puppies and adult dogs who have not been on prevention will need to be tested again at 6 months and 12 months later. It can take up to 6 months for a dog to test positive after being infected. It is recommended to have your dogs on heartworm preventative all year round.


What happens if my dog tests positive?

If your dog tests positive it is imperative you go to your veterinarian and start treatment. Treatment for heartworms is a series of injections called Immiticide®. During treatment it is imperattive that dogs are kept on crate rest and not be able to exercise after the injections. As the worms start to die and start to decompse they break up and are carried to the lungs. Here they lodge in the small blood vessels and are eventually reabsorbed by the body.

How is Heartworm Prevented?

Heartworm is prevented by giving your dog a monthly chewable that has different flavors like beef. You can get these meds from your vet. My dog Shyla takes hers willingly with no issues at all.