SNORT Rescue

Help My Dog Is Reactive!

Now we’ve already talked about the importance of proper socialization here and we’ve talked about how to find a trainer here. In this post we’re going to be talking about reactivity and ways to help your pup who might be struggling.

What is Reactivity?

Credit: Pooch Parenting

These are dogs that may lunge, bark, whine, growl, snap, or display other "aggressive" looking behaviors. Reactivity may be due to lack of socialization, frustration, or physical conditions, but it is usually embarrassing to the owner who may not understand their dog’s behavior. Some people will say oh my dog has big dog syndrome or PTSD, or any other multitude of ways to describe their dog’s reactivity. Unfortunately, it’s just plain old reactivity and that’s okay. Reactivity is your dog’s way of saying what I see in front of me scares me.

Credit Lil Chin

Credit Lil Chin

What does reactivity look like with some dogs?

This can manifest in a multitude of ways. It can mean dogs lunge and bark while out on a leash towards all dogs or even towards certain dogs. It can mean that dogs lunge and bark at humans wearing baseball hats or just humans in general. The basics of what reactivity looks like is the dog is acting in what some think is aggression. A lot of people think reactivity is aggression but aggression and reactivity are two separate and distinct things. Dog’s who lunge and bark almost always do this out of fear. They are fearful of the trigger (dogs, people, other animals) and they think if they lunge and bark then whatever is scaring them will go away.


There’s no one thing that causes reactivity. Some people will tell you that their dog became reactive after it was attacked by another dog and is now fearful of other dogs. Others will tell you that their dog just decided that it doesn’t like other dogs. In some cases a senior dog just needs more space. Most of the time it’s due to undersocialization. Which is why when you have a new puppy it is so important to socialize your puppy in the best possible positive manner with the right positive reinforcement trainer.

Credit Lili Chin

Credit Lili Chin

what about using a “training” collar?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! A prong, shock or choke collar used on a reactive dog (let alone a non-reactive dog) is the worst thing you could ever do. What people don’t realize is that by using these so called “training tools” not only do you change the bond you have with your dog but you also can change your dog’s behavior for the worse. Using any sort of aversive on a reactive dog will not help their reactivity, they actually only make it worse. By using aversives with reactive dogs you are showing your dog that other dogs cause them pain and fear and so therefore they only become more reactive.  A dog that pulls to people or dogs and feels the discomfort of the prong collar is at high risk of creating a negative association to what it is looking at. It's called "learning preparedness." Physical discomfort ties to something in the environment. It is easy to be fooled by the dog that runs to the prong or shock collar and assume the dog likes it and thus it's okay. It is not. Especially not for a fearful dog.

what about board and train?

Unfortunately, a lot of those board and train places use aversive tools (as suggested above). There’s no other way they can get the results that they promise in the short amount of time they have your dog. They usually use fear and intimidation to get your dog to behave which have been proven to be ineffective and downright dangerous. There are quick ways to get a certain result, usually they are harsh if not cruel.  The problem is, the results are only temporary because the dog has not learned the correct way to do something, instead it was forced. So in the long run, the dog finds other ways to compensate and get around this new forced behavior or action, resulting in new and compounded issues later on. The truth is aversive methods change behavior quickly so people want to use them. What they don't realize is that they are just suppressing the underlying problem which could come back to haunt them later. The dog is only behaving differently to avoid pain/fear. Don’t fall for the trap that the “trainer knows best” because that’s not always the case. Dog training is an unregulated industry and not all trainers are created equal. I’ve seen first hand how a normal dog went to board and train and came out reactive.

i’ll just exercise my dog more…

Exercise is not a cure for reactivity. A tried dog is just that a tried dog.  By physically exhausting your dog, you’ve solved nothing and may make them less able to cope with everyday stressors. Think about it in terms of humans, when you’re tired you’re not likely going to be happy. I for one know that when I’m tired I’m less likely to want to be nice to people.

I’ll just send my dog to daycare for more socialization…

Unfortunately if your dog is older the socialization period has already ended and there is no way to go back in time. Plus by sending your dog to daycare you run the risk of trigger stacking them. They literally have no time to decompress. Tigger stacking is defined as ‘Stress accumulation due to exposure of multiple triggers, either simultaneously or close enough in time that the dog’s reactivity has not returned to normal.’ (Grisha Stewart, BAT 2.0). It may seem like your dog likes daycare but the reality is they’re doing everything in their power just to survive.


Okay so what do I use instead?

There’s no magic cure all for reactivity. With positive reinforcement and counter conditioning you can learn to manage your dog’s reactivity. This takes time, patience and LOTS of treats. You have to change the way your dog feels about its trigger (other dogs, people, skateboards). Using any form of force, frustration or flooding on fearful dogs makes the problems worse. That means there is no special collar, no special harness, no special tool whatsoever that can cure reactivity. There are a lot of trainers out there that will tell you they can cure your dog’s reactivity and all you have to do is strap on a certain collar on your dog. Unfortunately, that doesn’t cure reactivity and those trainers aren’t telling you about the potential fallout from such aversives. There are some really great ways to help your dog through reactivity like Leslie McDevitt’s pattern games (see video below) and the engage and disengage game (pictured right).

Some super awesome inspiration for reactive dogs

Here are some super amazing dog moms crushing it with their reactive dogs and force free training. Anyone who tells you positive reinforcement didn’t work for their dogs either didn’t know what they were doing or the trainer they hired didn’t know what they were doing. Kayla from the_toby_project who has made huge progress with her reactive dog and Jen down in New Zealand with her reactive dog dax_theangrydog.


If you are struggling with a reactive dog and need help we recommend getting help from a qualified positive reinforcement trainer. Please reach out to us as we will help connect you with the right trainer in your area. In the meantime here are some resources to start working on your own:

Reactive Dogs Group on Facebook

Leslie McDevitt’s Control Unleashed, Book

CARE for Reactive Dogs

it’s Kennel Cough season

It’s kennel cough season and we’re here to help you recognize the signs and symptoms of kennel cough.

what is kennel cough?


Kennel cough (canine infections tracheobronchitis) is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Kennel cough is most commonly contracted at dog parks, shelter environments, doggie daycare and boarding facilities.  Much like the common cold in humans, kennel cough can be spread from one dog to another through airborne transmission, nose to nose contact, or sharing water/food bowls. Good news is that kennel cough is super treatable although it is harsher for young and immunocompromised dogs.

How to Tell if your pup has it?

You’ll know, trust me! My dog Shyla has had it twice and it’s a sound unlike anything else I’ve heard come out of her.  Other than that here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • cough (it will sound like a your pup has something stuck in their throat or like a honking sound)

  • sneezing

  • runny nose

  • loss of appetite

  • lethargy

  • low fever


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There is a vaccine for it, but much like the flu vaccination there are different strains that the vaccination does not protect against, so a trip to the vet to confirm the diagnosis is needed. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your vet will either let the virus run its course or will prescribe antibiotics. There are also some natural ways to help your pup through this with honey and coconut oil. Whole Dog Journal has laid out some really great ways to help clear up kennel cough naturally.

ways to prevent kennel cough

It is so important to pay attention to our pups. While kennel cough is usually very treatable it can sometimes develop into more serious conditions like pneumonia. Kennel cough can be prevented by limiting exposure to infected dogs and staying away from areas like the dog park when an outbreak has occurred.

what if symptoms persist?

If symptoms persist for more than two weeks it could be a sign of something more serious like pneumonia or congestive heart failure. Another trip to the vet will be needed to rule out anything more serious.

How to Adopt a Boston Terrier

Ponch on his adoption day

Ponch on his adoption day

It’s no secret that we are huge rescue fans. Having been through the process with Shyla we wanted to share some tips on how to go about adopting a Boston Terrier.

Know the Rescues

Currently there are two main rescues that serve Massachusetts that deal with Boston Terriers and Boston Terrier mixes. The first which is dedicated to all smooshy faced dogs is SNORT Rescue. SNORT not only has Boston Terriers but they also have Frenchies, Pugs and English Bulldogs. The other main rescue that serves Massachusetts is Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue. NEBTR primarily deals with Boston Terriers and Boston Terrier mixes.

The next rescue organization that oftentimes has Boston Terriers is Friends of Homeless Animals. FOHARI is a general rescue that rescues all different breeds of dogs. While FOARI doesn’t specialize in Boston Terriers they do have them on occasion.

The third rescue organization that deals with Boston Terriers is Paw Paw Boston Terrier Rescue of Korea. Paw Paw does amazing work rescuing dogs from Korea. The catch with Paw Paw is that they fly their dogs directly from Korea so you’d have to be willing to travel to one of the airports they fly into. The closest airport that Paw Paw flies into is New York City.

Know the approximate age of the dog you want:

Age is everything. You’ll want to know if you’re looking for a puppy, a middle aged dog or a senior dog. Rescues often have a variety of ages when it comes to dogs. While I understand that most people want puppies adopting an older dog is also really great. They’re usually housebroken already and can be left alone in the house without destroying anything. You’ll want to ask yourself do I have time for a puppy? What is my schedule like? Who will take care of my dog when I’m not there?

Sign up to Foster

One of the best ways to know if you're ready to adopt and get to know the dog you would love to bring home is to foster. Not only does this help increase the chance that the dogs you foster will find their forever home because they get a break from the shelter and experience a loving home environment, but also it gives you a chance to practice being a pawrent and seeing what really works for you. If you foster a dog you really want to adopt, then you also get put at the top of the list for that dog.

Stalk the Websites

Really, that’s what I did. If you don’t see a dog you like right away then keep looking. Boston Terriers are a highly desirable breed and go fast. Every day I’d go on to the SNORT site and look at Shyla’s pictures wondering if she was ever going to be put up for adoption. Then one day she wasn’t there anymore and I had a mild panic attack. Turns out she was just moved to the adoptable page where I could quickly put in an application to adopt her.

Don’t get Discouraged

Finding the perfect dog for your home is not a quick and easy process. It often involves lots of patience because sometimes the right dog isn’t ready to be adopted or sometimes it’s not the right fit for your house. Keep looking and keep applying for when you see the right dog. You may get turned down but it doesn’t mean there’s anything specifically wrong with you it could just mean that the rescue felt someone else was a better match. There is no perfect person or perfect dog, you will always need to get to know and understand your unique dog (which takes time), give yourself and your dog consistent training, and understanding that this is a lifelong commitment.

Take on a Special Needs Dog

I know this isn’t for everyone and that’s okay but if you have the time and inclination take on a special needs dog. Whether it be a bonded pair of seniors in diapers or a dog that needs a wheelchair. Special needs dogs are often overlooked because of they don’t fit into the typical vision most people have of dogs.

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